We all came from different places with different backgrounds and met in 1A2. Since then, we lived together as friends for four years.
It is time for us to depart and meet greater opportunities in the world.
We all entered AGISS, we had many dislikes, as well as likes about the school but we still managed to cope.
Although in one way or the other we had problems with one another, with God on our side, we were able to settle our differences and lived together harmoniously.
To whom do we give all the thanks for having seen us through all those times, especially the sad ones?
I personally had some dislikes for the school which made me not want to mingle with people in the school, even my own classmates.
Somewhere along the line, I realized the need for me to make friends and till now I haven’t regretted making some good friends and also being a part of A2 because you are all nice people.
Holla me on facebook.